Professional Photographers of Canada Atlantic held its annual Image Salon over the past weekend and I would like to share my results.
Participating in image competitions can be sometimes rewarding and sometimes disappointing. Some results can give you wings, and some smash against the ground. But any case is better than not competing at all.
Following image - "God Father" was one of those "ground smashing" experiences. I submitted this image as one of my strongest images in the Wedding Journalistic category. But unfortunately for me, the PPOC Atlantic judges were not able to see what editors of italian Vogue saw in this image.
The image scored "Unaccepted".
"God Father"
Wedding Journalistic
Following are only the good news.
I'm extremely happy for my "Mary & Matt" wedding album. I should mention that my "Wedding Album of the Year 2012" (National Image Salon) was wedding of Mary's sister Katie. Mary & Matt's wedding was as beautiful and as special, and I'm hoping for the same luck for their album.
I'm planning on entering this album into the National Salon, and since I want to make few changes to the album to perfect it, I'm not going to reveal yet.
"Mary & Matt"
Wedding album
Here are the rest of the images entered:
"Madam X"
Award of Merit
Figure Study'
"In Father's Arms"
Child Portrait
Labels: Events, Portrait, Wedding Albums

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